Sunday, August 9, 2009

So it's been over a year....

And a lot has changed!! I decided that the veterinary field is no longer for me, I was in it for the love of pets and had to euthanize waaayyyyy too many animals that were unwanted and it brought me down to the point of hating my job. I bounced around in a couple dif. fields and have settled in childcare, although there is NO money in it, I love getting to care for, play with and love all the babies and toddlers at our center. I will be starting online classes in September to get my CDA and I'm very excited about it, and feel very lucky that I work with an EXCELLENT center director who has been very understanding with life situations and is paying for all of my additional training and schooling including my STARS and yes, the CDA.

Ben and I are currently expecting our first daughter, she is due October 18Th and will be named Taylor Paige Johnson, I'm very excited to take on the mommy role and can't wait for her arrival! I don't like being pregnant however, so I don't have any plans on getting pregnant again for quite some time.

Lets see, what else is new.... Oh yes, last October I quit smoking!! Woohoo ::pats self on back:: although I still have the occasional stress induced craving I have done very well and had no slip ups. I don't seem to "save" any money since I've quit and I'm not sure where I found the money in the first place!!

Money, it sucks. Lets just say that this year has been the most challenging year financially for Ben and myself... The economy has a lot to do with his pay and has had a very VERY negative affect on his pay and the livelihood of the company, we are hoping that business will again pick up, but until then we are going to do the best we can for ourselves and our daughter.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting Older

i have come to the sudden realization that high school friends must be only that, just for high school, of course im not a hundred percent sure yet, but im pretty positive. as teens grow into adults and begin to start their own lives they suddenly find their own interests and their own way of life, which is to be expected, we were being prepared for this to happen since day 1 of high school. what i was not prepared for however, is the sudden loss of friendship simply due to the new interests/way of life of others. it is slightly puzzling and very strange to me, but a very noticable part of getting older. now maybe its not so much a "loss" of friendship so much as an intense drift.... im not sure, but whatever it is i dont think anyone is ever prepared for it. i cant help but wonder what else will change as more time goes on, as we all get older. will we even recognize people we spent years with in high school 5 or 10 years down the road while waiting in line at the grocery store or getting fuel? it seems silly too me for us all to allow this "parting" to happen, however it almost seems inevitable with little means of prevention.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

So it's been a while...

So I def. need to update, May 24th was our wedding, it went GREAT!! The weather was nice and we had a blast! We went to Wyoming for a week and it was AWESOME!!! I can't wait until someday when we can move there! I'll be 21 in 13 days! Woop woop! Can't wait! I'm currently working at the Micheals warehouse in Centrailia and LOVE it, I finally know why I hated most previous jobs, I HAVE too keep moving, or I get so damn bored it's not worth it too me. So that's about it, just wanted to update!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Gettin Hitched!!!

So Ben and I are gettin married tomorrow at 2!!! I'm sooooooo excited!!! Mostly, I'm excited to have Ben as my husband :) :) but, I'm also EXTREMELY excited to be done with all this planning and running around like crazy person, lol! I can't wait to finally be married to Ben!! We also can't wait to start our own family! Of course we're going to hold off on that until we are financially stable, but we are def. taking the biggest step in begining our family :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Communication is Key

So of course we all know that communication is key to any successful relationship, today I had the best example of this. I just can't believe that people will just lose their entire relationships knowing that it takes maintinence, communication, and sometimes a lot of hard work! I couldn't imagine what that would even be like, it's like they just give up unknowingly, it's really sad too me. I'm glad to say that the example I had in front of me did reconcile, but it took me stepping in and just helping (mediating really) them get through the issues they had left untouched for long enough to cause some stress and alot of hard feelings. They were on the brink of talking divorce when I had gotten the call from my friend at about 4pm, by 8pm we had gone over the issues and everything went back to peaceful again in their home. It really does amaze me how much people will forget to communicate with their sig. other, and they generally don't realize how much they are risking until its close to being too late. Just thought I would share that with you all and remind you to always ALWAYS keep up communication, it is key.