Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting Older

i have come to the sudden realization that high school friends must be only that, just for high school, of course im not a hundred percent sure yet, but im pretty positive. as teens grow into adults and begin to start their own lives they suddenly find their own interests and their own way of life, which is to be expected, we were being prepared for this to happen since day 1 of high school. what i was not prepared for however, is the sudden loss of friendship simply due to the new interests/way of life of others. it is slightly puzzling and very strange to me, but a very noticable part of getting older. now maybe its not so much a "loss" of friendship so much as an intense drift.... im not sure, but whatever it is i dont think anyone is ever prepared for it. i cant help but wonder what else will change as more time goes on, as we all get older. will we even recognize people we spent years with in high school 5 or 10 years down the road while waiting in line at the grocery store or getting fuel? it seems silly too me for us all to allow this "parting" to happen, however it almost seems inevitable with little means of prevention.