Monday, March 17, 2008


Someone I knew committed suicide this last weekend, its saddening, angering and a big slap of reality all at the same time. I didn't know him well, I didn't know him long either, but it still hits harder then one would ever think possible. When one hears of a person commiting suicide, we usually say oh thats sad, but when you have a face to place it too, someone who you've spoken to and joked with, its 10x worse. It proves that you never really know until it happens, he was a fun lovin guy who seemed happy go lucky all the time. He was only 19 and had so much life left to live, so many experiences left to die with him. It makes you feel like there had to be something you missed, like there was something so obvious that it should have smacked you in the face, but there was nothing, and it cost him his life. I dont know what was going through his mind or why someone would rather end their life, but it really needs to be said that there is not enough awareness about depression and suicide. I dont know exactly how to feel right now, but its hard.

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